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The Curse of Koshiu: A Chronicle of Old Japan Page 8



  When the slow procession of armed men with a guarded litter in itsmidst was discerned approaching Tsu, great was the curiosity excited,for though none spoke of him, the absent farmer, devoted to a forlornhope, was uppermost in the minds of all. A vague report gained groundthat he had actually been permitted to see the face of the SublimeOne, who, as just as he was holy, had listened to the tale of wrong.The stricken people, accustomed to adversity, were dazed by the gleamof fortune. Buddha had hearkened at last unto their groaning, hadpitied their misery! The Hojo was not so bad after all, for the extraweight of taxes would doubtless be removed; the elders had returnedforgiven; Koshiu was coming in triumph to his home, where a fittingreception should be accorded him. The listless men rose up upon theirfeet, the hammer and the gong resounded once again, amid blessings onthe name of Koshiu.

  The only one who was not joyous was Kennui, the farmer's faithfulwife. She had heard so much from her spouse about the wickedness ofthe Hojos, that unconsciously she echoed his words, shaking her headas she muttered, "The Hojos know not mercy!" As the approachingprocession became clearer to the view, defiling with clank of irondown the street, she gave a wild shriek, and fell swooning; for in thelitter, under the fatal net, she had recognised the grizzled head andburly shoulders of him she loved best on earth. Awe-stricken, fearingthey knew not what, the town turned out _en masse_ and silentlyfollowed the procession, until, crossing the bridge that led over theouter moat of the castle, the ponderous doors closed upon it and theprisoner. For, strange and incomprehensible as it appeared, there wasno doubt that Koshiu was a prisoner. The net and chains, and scowlingescort told as much. Why? Was the report a false one? Had he notsucceeded in communicating with the Sublime One? Sure he who was theFount of Honour had not spurned the humble prayer! If he had beengracious, why was the victim brought to his home with sinister pompand circumstance? While the crowd in scattered knots were discussingthe enigma, the gates opened again, a band of samurai rushed forth,and presently returned with--wonder of wonders!--Kennui and her littlechildren, who, driven at point of spear, like the farmer vanished.

  Curiosity and impatience were getting the better of alarm, and some ofthe elders were about to cross the bridge, and knocking, makeinquiries, when again the door swung upon its hinges, a man posted upa paper, and the gate was again shut to. A thrill of horror andconsternation shivered over the crowd, as some one, mounting on ariding block, read aloud the proclamation. Crucifixion for the patriotand his innocent wife--the annihilation of his family and name! Theinjustice and brutality of such a sweeping sentence cried aloud toHeaven. Japan should ring with it. Come what might, the elders wouldremonstrate,--would lift up their voices in supreme protest againstthe iniquity of the cold-blooded tyrant.

  The head men of the town and surrounding villages assembled, onehundred and thirty in number, and drew up an appeal, affixing theretotheir seals, and Rokubei and Zembei, whose consciences smote themsomewhat, travelled with it themselves to Ki[^y]oto. There the streetswere in commotion, business was put aside, and men sat on the mats ingroups discussing the darkening future. In whispers, with furtiveglances over the shoulder, they murmured that there must be an end ofit; anything was preferable as a change to such a life as No-Kamiprepared for the people. Submission was making matters worse insteadof better. Letters must be sent to the surrounding provinces. Theymust shake off sloth, and rise as one to free themselves and theirMikado.

  Sampei, riding to the Golden House, told his brother of the hubbub. Ashe heard, the brow of the despot darkened; his eyeballs becamebloodshot, like those of the demon Razetsu, as in obstinate fume hegnashed his teeth.

  "What?" he cried. "Oh, girl in man's attire, I have borne too longwith your puling! You dare to come hither, and take the part of thescum against me, your feudal lord! A shivering coward, who callshimself a soldier! Not a word more, or, despite the army at your back,I'll have you seized and scourged, and your head flung to thejackals."

  Hot words rose in Sampei's throat, but the mournful face of his palelove rose before him, and he choked them down. His brother wasdistraught with passion,--knew not what he said. His feudal lord! Yes,that much was true. If danger was brewing, his place was by the sideof his brother, to save him, if might be, from the consequences of thewickedness instilled by demons; if not, to assist him in his death.

  The silence and sullen submission of the young General irritated theDaimio to frenzy. He cursed and growled like some savage animal,became the more furious from the conviction that in this matter hehad been precipitate and wrong,--had been guilty of a mistake instate-craft,--of over-harshness. And yet it would never do to give tothe scum the victory--to the low mechanics, and mean, unarmedartificers, who were assuming a threatening attitude. What would theother daimios say, who were eagerly watching the next move, if theruler were again to give way,--to succumb like a woman before theoutcry of a few rustics? The prestige of the Hojos would be gone forever, and the bearer of the name would be sucked under and drowned bythe torrent which would assuredly break loose. Give way! That, by thecrown of Buddha, he swore he never would; and yet, perceiving too latethe danger, in his heart he longed for a compromise. Hearing thatRokubei and Zembei, venerable elders, had dared to come pestering, andthat a deputation of priests, headed by the bonzes of Tsu, awaited hispleasure, he smothered his rage, and bade Sampei admit them. He evendeigned to summon his father's friend, and solicit counsel, placingthe case before him.

  Concealing his exultation under an air of sympathy, Nara arrived withpromptitude, and, true to his tactics, gave advice which wascalculated to undo his enemy.

  "The peril is extreme," he said, "so I will speak plainly. 'Tis easierto raise a storm than quell it."

  "If you are here to talk platitudes, begone," interrupted No-Kami.

  "Be patient, my almost son, and attend," the malicious Daimioresponded, with inward laughter. Like a bear in the toils his foe wascaught, and it should be no fault of his if he became not more closelyenmeshed. "You are right in this," he continued. "It will not do tolower the proud standard of the Hojos before the rabble; and yet youmust provide them with a sop. Let the sentence stand. What is decreedshould be irrevocable; but grant the boon in the memorial. Remove theobnoxious taxes. So will you seem clement, as well as stern andstrong. They will fear you more than ever, while compelled to praiseyour bounty."

  The advice jumped with No-Kami's inclination The more he consideredit, the more crafty it appeared; but, true to his principle ofblood-letting and tyrannising over the weak, he slightly improved onit. He would pretend to have known nothing of these taxes, and,as an example, would bring to condign punishment the bailiffs andtax-gatherers who had so harshly oppressed his vassals.

  A master-stroke worthy of his sapient father this. A touch of genius.He accordingly harangued the deputations; declared his surprise aswell as sympathy and love with such assurance that they scarce couldbelieve their ears. The sentence, if somewhat harsh, must stand, hesaid, for 'twas a grievous crime in a vassal to hold up to obloquy hisfeudal lord. The property of the offending farmer should, however, notall be confiscated, but a part would be handed over to the girl Mine,who was spared, thanks to his brother's pleading. He assured hisamazed listeners that he grieved over the rapacity of his officers--ofwhom he would make an example--in that they had invented new impostson their own account, to the detriment of their lord's repute. He wassorry that the full details of the case had not reached him before.The town councillors of Tsu would be dismissed from their posts. Fourdistrict governors and three bailiffs would be banished to thenorthern island. The chief bailiff of Tsu and one particularly-sinfulofficer would be invited to perform harakiri. The objectionable taxeswere abolished.

  With this, while his audience stood aghast and dumb, my lord waved hisfan with courteous condescension, in token of dismissal, and retired,flattering himself that he had got extremely well out of rather ana
wkward hobble.

  The news which the deputations brought back with them to Tsu wasreceived with mixed feelings. It was sad that the farmer's family mustperish, but Koshiu would know that they had not died in vain. For thepublic good he and his were made a sacrifice. Many litanies should bechanted in the temples; the martyr should be canonised, enrolled onthe list of saints.

  One who was inconsolable was Mine. Spurned by him at whose feet shehad cast herself--for Sampei had never deigned to inquire afterher--she was compelled to admit that her father was right in hisestimate of the reigning family. If he whom she elected to worship asa hero had not been as cruel as his brother, he would not standby--he, a powerful general in command of many soldiers, while sowicked a sentence was promulgated. Father, mother, brothers--all. Andshe had loved this man! Distracted, she rushed to the castle, andbraving the obscene jests of the samurai, implored to be admitted toher parents. She had done wrong, and must die heartbroken if deprivedof their forgiveness.

  A soldier, softened by the maiden's anguish, carried her entreaty, andreturned with the message that her father refused to see her. She whowas the chattel of a Hojo was no child of his, he had declared. Threebeloved sons were his, but no daughter. Mine battered with weak handsupon the closing door. Her father had judged too harshly, for--alas!to confess such infamy--the Hojo had repulsed her. She was not hismistress,--had never even seen him since he sallied forth to war. Thesamurai laughed loud at the confession, and gibed at the hapless maid,bandying foul pleasantries. A likely story. Since, owing to theGeneral's intervention, she was to have the property, she woulddoubtless find some one to pick up that which my lord Sampei hadtossed into the mire. How much would she be worth? Would she setherself up to auction? By-and-by she could purchase for herself ahusband, if not now a messenger. Her father declined to see her, so ifyet she had a shred of shame left she had best depart, and quickly. Ifnot, the soldiery would take her in, and for their own delectationkeep her there. In terror she sped away, nor stopped till she reachedthe temple; and when in the gloaming the spectral line of nuns andAbbess entered for the evening prayer, Masago lifted the exhausted andfainting girl, and pressing cold lips upon her brow, bade her takerest and comfort. Henceforth she was theirs and Buddha's.

  To show that, although clement, he was not to be intimidated, No-Kamiresolved to make of the prospective execution a wholesome precedent,and to that end journeyed to Tsu in person. He was determined that thespectacle should abide in the minds of those who were privileged towitness it, as an ineffaceable lesson and an awful memory. It shouldtake place within the castle boundaries, he decreed, in the presenceof the Daimio and his suite, in gala robes, and all and sundry wereinvited to attend this new and engaging form of public festival.

  As the fatal day approached, the fiery temper of the despot wasseverely tried, and grew hotter under the trial; for although thetruculent retinue applauded, and looked forward with glee to a rarefrolic, there was hanging over the land a shadow that might be felt.

  Men spoke together in isolated knots, scudding away like hares if thegallop of my lord's escort was heard returning from the chase. Thisshowed a wholesome and gratifying fear; but there were some who tookno pains to cloke their insolence. The friends of the tax-gatherersand others who had been condemned, raised an outcry, vowing that theyhad obeyed to the letter their lord's behest, and that 'twas hard tosuffer for being only too faithfully obedient. No-Kami increased thenumber of his personal attendants, daring no longer to go forth alone,lest haply some wailing relative should cling to his stirrup, anddecline to be beaten off. Even behind the bristling defences of thecastle he was not secure. Masago and her nuns arrived in solemnprocession at the gate, and the soldiers, hardened though they were,were afraid to refuse them entrance. The austere Abbess was not to bebrowbeaten. Calm and cold, with inflexible mien she looked No-Kami inthe eyes, and in presence of his warriors, in the name of her deadlord his father, dared him to fulfil his purpose. Solemnly she warnedhim of divine rancour. She had had a dream, and, as all the worldknows, the soul during sleep is in active communication with thedeparted. Even now, at the eleventh hour, she urged that there wasstill time to avert the vengeance of the gods. The growing anger ofBuddha might be appeased by pilgrimage and prayer, self-humbling, andprecious gifts.

  But Masago might as well have preached to the lotuses. Her speech wasmet with uneasy ribaldry, and smouldering ire.

  "Bah! Threats from a troop of women! A made-up ghost to affrightchildren with. Ye are hungry for the good things of this world,"snarled the Daimio, "like all the priesthood. Be off! I care not fornuns or bonzes, self-appointed messengers from Heaven. Chatterers, getyou gone while ye have time, or despite your garb your bodies shallfeel the whip."

  With that he bade the doorkeepers open wide the gate, that his guardsmight drive forth the embassage.

  The unfortunate chatelaine, although none of the castle denizens caredto know it, was the one who was most hardly stricken by her husband'sculminating sin. When the sad procession arrived with in its midst thepatriot, she was boating outside the walls, deftly guiding her shallopwith a slender pole through the luxuriant floating greenery. Theelders having been spared at her written request, the horizonseemed less black. This was a first step towards the reclaiming ofNo-Kami--by-and-by, little by little, she would by tact and persistenteffort regain over him the influence which at first she had tooquickly abdicated. As she pondered, she blamed herself for lack ofpatient perseverance.

  What was her own petty pride to the people's good? She had misjudgedNo-Kami, for on receipt of her letter he had given way at once. So hewould again, and yet again, till drawn out of himself by tenderness,he would cast aside his wicked self like a foul garment, and live acleanly life. Then she fell a-weaving of plans for assuaging themisery of her people, and all at once there fell the thunderbolt, andher new calm was rudely broken.

  This horror was worse than all. Retiring to her bower, and dismissingher maidens, she cast herself upon the floor, and, numbed by despair,remained inanimate for hours. Had the gods no pity for such frailthings as she? The contemplation of her husband, of the man who coulddeliberately plan and execute so vile an atrocity as this, caused herflesh to creep, her soul to shudder. He proposed, moreover, toaccomplish the dreadful deed _here_, within the precincts of herhouse. The smell of the blood would never fade, its stain might neverbe effaced; and she was doomed to endure its constant presence forlong years, unless the gods were clement. Some rail at the brief spanof life. To some it seems too short, to others interminable. Howearnestly, lying prone, did O'Tei entreat release. A long vista ofgrim dreadful years. No, at bay, she would revolt against thenightmare, would leap into the waves, and make an end of it. Since menmay relieve themselves with the dirk of a too heavy existence, mightnot women seek relief in the embrace of the blessed sea?

  He was coming here soon, her husband, to superintend the shockingdetails. He would touch, perhaps clasp her in his arms. Oh, no! Andyet, why not? Clutched by him, pressed to the hard heart of themonster, inhaling the poison of his breath, she must surely wither;and if her soul were freed, what signified the horror of the means?

  Sinking into a condition of dull lethargy, she went forth no more, butbrooded in the quiet of her chamber, from which she could see the hillcrowned by the temple groves. Dim and distant, like the roar in asea-shell, she heard the noise of arrival, the neighing of steeds, andclank of iron, the braying of hoarse throats, the shouts and laughterat carousal. With sick apprehension she awaited the dreaded footstepswhich soon must cross the threshold. But time went on and it came not,and she thanked the gods for that. He had inquired for her, themaidens said, and they had replied that their lady was ill. He hadsaid no more, and had seemed satisfied. Truth to tell, he was as muchrelieved as she at the postponement of a meeting. For, worried andannoyed by the abominable behaviour of the scum, he was in no mood forwhining, and instinct whispered that on such an occasion as theforthcoming festival the degenerate O'Tei would whine. When it waspast and o
ver, she would know better than to whimper, since what isdone is done; and once resolved, no whining of silly women-folk shouldturn him from his purpose. Whilst dreading the creak of one footfall,she listened wistfully for another. Where was Sampei, her childhood'sfriend? Sure, he would sympathise, for his kind heart would tell himof the direful condition of his sister. Had he, disgusted with hisbrother, deserted him? It was likely; and yet not so, for Sampei--whoshould know better than she?--was loyal and true. He had arrived withmy lord; the maidens had seen and admired him, and had grieved toperceive that he was dejected, the noble young hero. How strange thenthat he should not visit his old playmate.

  Alack! Sampei avoided O'Tei as diligently as did No-Kami. What couldhe say to her that would not increase her sorrow? Fully appreciatingher highly-wrought and reserved and sensitive nature, he knew too wellwhat she must be suffering; and the sight of her tears, since he mightnot dry them, would cut him like a sword-thrust. Moreover, the seedhis mother had prudently sown had taken deep root in his light soil,by reason of Mine's foolishness. On every account it was well to avoidpersonal contact with O'Tei. Without being conceited, the fact waspatent that if one woman fell in love with him without encouragement,another might. In his ordinary frame of mind, he would cheerfully havesaid, "The more the better," and have basked with joy in the sunshineof unlimited loveliness. But he knew now that he adored O'Tei with anaffection so pure and deep that there was no selfishness in it,--that,rather than cause her a pang, he would himself make any sacrifice. Herheart, he knew, was empty. As the Abbess had hinted, it was not at allimpossible that if tempted she might grow to love her brother-in-lawin unbrotherly fashion; and then, what pain to her, to him, to all?For once the young soldier would be prudent. Near, but unseen, hewould shield his beloved as much as possible,--commune with her aslittle as might be,--come forward only in emergency.

  With regard to No-Kami, he grew grievously perplexed, marvellingsometimes whether his brother was sane. The practice of cruelty uponthe weak, for the enjoyment thereof, was something so foreign to hisown open character that he could not comprehend the motives whichmoved the Daimio, nor his fits of frenzy when thwarted. Once, sincetheir arrival at Tsu, he had remonstrated fearlessly with his chief,who had thereupon threatened to dismiss him into banishment. For thesake of the chatelaine, in the quickly-clouding future, this must notbe. So Sampei, at his wits' end, like a dutiful son, climbed thetemple stairs and unlocked the secrets of his heart before the shrewdken of the Abbess. Masago surveyed him anxiously, then unaccustomedtears for a moment dimmed her vision as she gave praise to the gods inthat she had been given such a son. Truth and trust looked from outhis eyes. The noble fellow. Placing her firm white hand upon hisshoulder, she kissed his brow.

  "The situation is dark," she said; "the skein is tangled. The godshave marked down for destruction my lord of Tsu. That much is clear tome. Blindfold he marches to the edge of the abyss. I am a weak,purblind woman groping in the dark, unable to give counsel in sodifficult a strait. My voice has been raised in vain: he thrust usforth like dogs. I will pray. Maybe that through prayer and vigil Imay learn to know; and when I know, then will I tell thee, child.Peradventure divine wrath may yet, by diligent pleading, be turnedaside. The farmer and his family must perish, thou a dumb spectator.That much cannot be helped. Be patient. Wait. I will prostrate myselfbefore the altar, that the veil of the future may be rent."

  One morning a lull of unaccustomed quietude informed O'Tei that mylord and all his following had gone scouring over the plain, and hermaids, seeing her listless and sad-eyed, implored their mistress tomount to the top of the tower, and breathe the fresher air. From theupper gallery, shaded by the huge copper roof, the weary recluse gazedover the flat towards the twin hills with an intense longing. Since mylord's coming, she had not visited her summer-house, for she could notbear the sight of the mourning which she knew overhung the town. Sheyearned to steal forth now and gaze on the lovely view, with itssequestered temple, and placid land-locked waters, and fishers, andsunny islets. Alas! all labour was abandoned. The fishers were toowretched to pursue their avocation. Their boats were drawn up upon thebeach untenanted. She could see them, a white fringe upon the yellow.Then, as her eye moved homeward, she started, and cried aloud, andwrung her hands, for down below in the courtyard rose, gaunt andterrible, the symbols of oppression. In a corner of the space withinthe outer moat stood ready a pair of crosses. The preparations weremade then?--the consummation of the tragedy was imminent; and she,cowering and cowardly, had never attempted to stem the new tide of theDaimio's anger. A tacit connivance at this villainy!

  Shaking herself as from the drowsy clog of sleep, she swiftlydescended the stair with head erect, distended eye, and face as greyas ashes, and, to the surprise of the sentinels, crossed the firstdrawbridge as one in a trance, and made for the place of execution.

  It occupied an extreme corner, far from the huts of the soldiers, andwas masked from the path in common use by a belt of trees, concerningwhich there were fearsome legends. So many terrible events had takenplace beneath their shade that they were said to be tenanted by soulsof criminals,--to groan at times, and ooze with gore, and be accursed.To the Asiatic peasant all streams and woods are peopled withvisionary forms,--are the homes of demons or of angels. It was wellknown that a sacrilegious cutter had striven once to fell one of thesegnarled trunks, and had been blasted as if by lightning. It was anequally established fact that their vicinity impelled to suicide, formany men had, apparently without reason, hung themselves upon theirbranches, fascinated to self-destruction by some dread and secretspell.

  O'Tei passed under their shade, and, shivering, recalled the legend,for though there seemed no wind, they swayed and creaked, spreadinggaunt arms over her head, with trails of grey-green spindles, likeuncanny mildewed hair. Why she had come she knew not--it was inobedience to no volition of her own. Her heart and temples werethrobbing wildly. Within her swimming brain there was room for but oneidea. The web of a terrible fate was being spun with ruthless fingersaround my lord and her to choke them both. Was she to be permittedagain to intervene between him and his victims?--or, to tear themeshes which encircled them, were they destined to writhe in vain?Advocate of mercy, how sweet a privilege! What could she do? Had shethe courage to face that sin-stained man? Irresolute and trembling,she stood staring at the crosses, marking their shadows as theylengthened, till, with a gasp and sob, she heard the tread of horses,accompanied by shouts and laughter.

  He had returned from the chase--the tyrant--and it was well that shewas here. She would try not to fear him,--strive hard to do her duty.They must meet now, and, summoning her puny strength, she wouldendeavour to push him from the precipice.

  The cavalcade swept past in a cloud of dust--a brilliant, uproariouscompany--and clattered across the moat. Two riders were following alittle behind the rest, when one, catching sight of a familiar draperyamong the trees, pulled back his horse upon its haunches.

  "The lady O'Tei," he exclaimed, "beneath that baleful canopy!"

  And straightway Sampei dismounted, and held the stirrup for hisbrother.

  And thus they met again, those three, on this fateful day for all---mylord in an evil mood, for even to him there was something oppressivein the air. A pall, as of the shadow of death, hung murky over theland.

  With trembling, blue lips, more like a spectre than a woman, O'Teiawaited my lord's approach, and turning, flung herself upon her knees,clinging about his feet.

  No-Kami glared down in surprised dudgeon, while the soul of Sampei wasthrilled with pity to perceive how wan she looked.

  "My lord!" she murmured low, with fluttering heart, "a boon. Oh! sparethem--for my sake--for your own--spare them--spare them--spare them!Give me at least the lives of the woman and her babes. If the man mustsuffer, be it so. You see that for him I say no word, not one--thegods forgive me! For his act he knew and weighed the penalty. Butthose innocents are not to perish. Say 'twas but a pleasantry, and Iwill kiss your feet, and bless you

  The visage of No-Kami grew purple as he glowered down upon his wife,and then, with grinding teeth, he glanced furtively around. There wasno witness to the interview.

  "It is well," he hissed, "that the company has gone before, and that Iam spared humiliation in their eyes. Fie! what shameful folly's this?Can this grovelling thing, like a slave in the dust, be Hojo's wife,child of the Daimio of Nara? Nay! it is some mean Eta woman, pariahand outcast. Sampei, raise her up, and quickly, and let us both forgetthis spectacle. Arise!" he cried, spurning the prostrate figure withhis foot. "Even among the Etas obedience is a wife's first duty."

  Sampei stooped, and gently raising his distracted sister, supportedher upon his breast, whilst the furious despot continued dryly,--

  "Know that your existence is a blot on my name and your own. It iswell that you have borne no children to perpetuate disgrace. If any ofthe bold samurai had seen you but now, what would they have thought ofme?--of you? how could they respect their lady? Shame, shame! Pluck upa spirit--borrow one--and make at least pretence to assume a fittingdignity. The condemned are to die at sundown; no more on that score;even now the spectators are trooping hitherward. Go; tire your hairand don your gala robes. When all is ready, I will send for you."

  "For me!" gasped O'Tei, turning a shade more white.

  "As chatelaine of Tsu, your place is by my side," announced the Daimiosternly. "Be my will your law. Go now, and try not to degrade us."

  His unhappy sister-in-law cast an imploring glance at Sampei, whostood with head bowed and sullen averted gaze. His blood was coursingthrough his veins at fevered speed. Patience, his mother had said, andwait. How could he wait and practise patience, seeing her he loved sooutraged? Was she to be forced, by the whim of a madman, to give thesanction of her gracious presence to the deed which all deplored?

  Masago, as usual, had been right. The Divine finger was in it, or whyshould the heiress of Nara, belying her own pride and the traditionsof her haughty lineage, have selected the very means of interferencewhich was most sure to offend her lord, and frustrate her own desires?

  Had she, with imperious attitude and supercilious air, demanded thelives of the woman and her offspring, No-Kami might, touched by theproud beauty of her who was his bone, have, even so late as this, beensurprised into some clemency. Sampei himself, to whom all she did wasdear, felt a sharp twinge of mortification as, burning with sorrowfulregret, he had quickly lifted her.

  Both brothers, jealous of the name they bore, suffered in theirtenderest point on seeing her thus prostrate. O'Tei must have beenovercome with grief indeed ere she could have been guilty of so gravean error. But the Daimio's last demand must be rescinded. He must notinsist upon her being present at the ceremony, or she might succumbunder the ordeal.

  Angry words of protest rose to the General's lips, but for her sake(remembering his mother's injunctions) he mastered them, and, as thetrio moved slowly to the castle, strove to speak with a steady voiceand dispassionate temperance.

  "Far be it from me," he began, "to interfere between a wife and herspouse, or fatigue my lord with argument, yet would I suggest thismuch to my brother. Alas! see how weak she is--feeble in health.Nerves overstrung are not under complete control. But for this, theheiress of Nara would never have given just cause for a husband'sdispleasure by an act which we will all forget. Do not insist upon herwitnessing the ceremony, for she has dwelt of late in such strictretirement that none will expect her presence."

  A look at No-Kami cut him short. There was a lurid glitter in hisglance that boded serious mischief if thwarted, threatening a newburst of frenzy. How difficult it was to be prudent, to steer withoutshipwreck in such troubled waters. Again for a space was the Generaltorn between contending duties. Was he bound blindly to follow thehead of his clan in his mad recklessness, lead where he would? Couldhe be excused were he to look on and refrain from action while thesoul of his love was tortured? Was it not craven idly to mark hergrowing misery? Her true knight, forsooth! A knight unarmed, his speara rotten bulrush. Was it destined that he might never afford her help?Better go away then, back to Corea, or farther still. Yet how wouldthat be possible, she in this desperate quandary? Like a green flashof pallid light it broke upon him clearly, as he walked beside hischief, that the day might come when, the weapon in the grasp of ahigher power, he would be compelled to smite his brother. With thethought came a grisly dread. Desperation drives men to acts for whicha long life of penitence may not atone. Fate is fate, and man may notmaster it.

  Sampei thought of his mother, and, like her, prayed to be enlightened.Was the doomed No-Kami indeed to fall by the treacherous hand of himwho should be the first to help? And, ah! what a grievous punishmentwould follow, since by the very act of freeing her he would cuthimself off from her for ever. A brother's widow and a brother'smurderer. Wait, the Abbess had said. Wait! How long? Events rollingonward with the turbid tide, would it be possible to wait?

  The toils of destiny were wrapped around the three, clasping themcloser and more close, as, gloomy and tempest-tossed, they passedunder the gateway of the castle.