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The Curse of Koshiu: A Chronicle of Old Japan Page 4



  With a great sob O'Tei sprang up, and, clinging closely to Sampei,burst into tears, while he, embarrassed and somewhat shy, stoodwaiting. Why this display of trouble so deep that it racked her frame?Had his mother concealed aught? She had not led him to suppose that itwas as bad as this. Could No-Kami, careless of the treasure hepossessed, have done her some grievous wrong? At the thought, theyoung General's dark face grew darker, and as a flood of wrath surgedover him, he looked a genuine Hojo. And with it came a sense ofsomething new and astonishing, which was to himself a riddle. Carelessand light of heart, accustomed to look at things from their bestpoint, and to delve no lower than was needful, he never dreamed of hisold playfellow in her new sphere as wan and wasted and miserable, andwith the feeling of indignation against his brother there was mixed awhimsical regretful longing. Had he not been wrong, when he might havetaken the maid himself, to leave her for another?

  Worldly-wise Sanjo had warned him that so dainty a dish was not for asoldier of fortune, and he had seen the prudence of the warning. Butcold prudence is a mistake sometimes, as who should know better than asoldier? He felt sure that if, when playfully talking in the sylvanglades, he had led her to a pool, and, showing her the two facesreflected there, had pictured himself as the future lucky one, hisplayfellow would have returned his hand-clasp, and submitted to alover's embrace. And when a maiden and a youth are of one mind, andthe latter is energetic and determined, nine chances are in hisfavour, despite opposition of parents. It was diffidence that hadundone him, and her. Although a rough soldier, he would, at home, havesoftened his roughness for her sweet sake, and if careful strivingcould have done it, have made her life a pleasant one. And now, foolthat he had been, it was too late! Some such surprising thoughts asthese--dark regretful visions of possibilities vanished--flittedacross the mind of the young man as, her breast against his inperilous proximity, he kissed her perfumed hair. Scales seem to fallfrom his eyes as he questioned his own heart. In his brief career hehad adored many a damsel, and had sworn to each to worship none buther; but with O'Tei it was quite different. With thought of her wasmingled a respect he had never felt for other women. Once his veryown, he could and would have been true to her,--have made it the joyof life to give her every pleasure, to watch and guard and shelter herfrom the blustering winds of the world--and it was too late! She wasthe wife of his own brother,--of him to whom, independent of naturalaffection, he owed allegiance as head of his clan. To her also then hein some sort owed faithful service. Yes, and he would be true andloyal. He swore it now, silently but fervently, as she lay upon hisbosom. She had never known that he loved her otherwise than as abrother should. He would be her own true knight, with the privilege ofbestowing all succour and comfort and counsel. Of the three, alas! shenow stood in bitter need.

  On his return from his arduous campaign of five years, he had beenreceived with acclamation by the people, to whom glorious feats ofarms were as the odour of the lily in the nostrils. They had knockedtheir foreheads in the dust, had pursued him with shouts in thestreets, nearly tearing his garments from off his back; in theirenthusiasm had well nigh forgotten that he came of the blood of Hojo;but the sweets of well-earned popularity were no little embittered bythe proceedings of the head of his house. The tales he heard on hisarrival filled him with shame and horror, and his honest soul was soreperplexed, torn as it was between the traditional blind obedience tothe head of the clan, and indignant disapproval of his acts. He couldnot turn against his brother. Death would be better that disloyalty,and yet it was very terrible by silence to seem to acquiesce in hismisdeeds. When fitting opportunity offered, he would remonstratewith No-Kami,--point out to him that his course must end in civilwar,--that in his next life he would of a surety be a bear or pig, asa just and dire retribution for recklessly plunging his country inblood. It was his duty to remonstrate, and he would do so gently butfirmly, come what might. Not that much good would come of it. He knewNo-Kami to be as headstrong as he was fierce. There would be highwords, and possible estrangement. Estrangement! no, for the sake ofthis girl, that must be avoided at all hazards. He must cultivatediplomacy--he, the simple Sampei. If it was only the pounding of anenemy, something bluff and straightforward, he would be in hiselement. But to smile when inclined to curse, to be compelled to biteyour lip and swallow down the burning words of just anger, to Sampeiwould be very difficult. He must try though. His poor sweet sister.Her sobs were due on this occasion, happily, to joy and relief at hisreturn, in that she, the lonely and forlorn, had a trusty champion byher side. Instinct told him this.

  For her sake, then, he must not break with his brother, for, forbiddenaccess to his sister-in-law, he would be of no service in extremity.In extremity! What prophetic foreboding was it that whispered to himof something terrible behind, wherein she would need all the help thathis strong arm could give her? Ah! if he had spoken when he might, howdifferent it would all have been. Too late--that chapter was closed.He was to be her knight--vigilant and true. With a deep sigh, heraised her tear-stained face, and kissed her lips, then put hergently from him.

  Side by side, and hand in hand, as in the old days, they reclinedupon the mat, and the frown deepened on his brow as she told herstory,--the uncomely story of selfishness, and greed, and cruelty, andwrong, waxing with impunity daily worse, till even sleepy Buddha mustneeds wake soon, and be impelled to hurl his thunderbolts. She told ofthe starving multitudes, to whom the son of the horse-leech cried"Give"; of the petition, and his brutal treatment of the elders. "Ifonly I could serve as sacrifice," she said, in conclusion, with afresh burst of tears, "how gladly would I lay down my life. But mylord and I are strangers. I dwell here, and he at Ki[^y]oto. Does notthat tell its tale? The wind might as well preach to him as I. Atfirst he liked me a little, but that soon passed. Of late hispresence--knowing of what he is capable--has filled me with a namelessterror, for I seem to detect something in his eye that suggests abrain distracted. He is blood-drunk; his very laugh conceals a sword.And yet 'tis an awful thing for me, his wife, to sit by, attemptingnothing."

  No doubt the chatelaine ought to do something--what? Like Philippa, atCalais, she should wring, by pleading, from her lord, the lives of thecondemned. Yet if the pair were so estranged, would she not be layingherself open uselessly to some insult, some rebuff? She admitted thatshe was growing afraid of her husband. That was bad. The situation wastoo many-sided for the soldier's unpolished wits. He pondered, andheld his peace, and looked up with a sense of relief when, a shadowdarkening the light, he beheld his mother, Masago.

  The ascetic Abbess gazed proudly and fondly on her son, but with atinge of concern. She had followed him from the temple, seeing that heturned his horse towards the summer-house; for she loved O'Tei, andwas aware of the early passages which had passed between girl and boy.Sampei had such a free way of making love to every woman, that she,elderly and sensible, saw keenly the danger to both, if the neglectedwife and pitying brother-in-law were thrown too much together. Side byside, hand clasped in hand, exchanging confidences. An ominousbeginning. It was well that she had come, for these young people mustbe protected against themselves.

  While O'Tei, with a ghostly revival of coquetry, was arranging hertumbled hair by aid of a silver mirror, the Abbess drew her son aside,pleading urgent and important business.

  "My boy," she said, as, out of earshot, the two paced slowly in theshade, "you are as brave and true as even I could desire, andgratefully I thank the gods for it; but you are guileless; your arm isstronger than your head, and your blood is overwarm."

  Perceiving a ludicrous expression of bewilderment on the honest faceof her son at this mysterious preamble, she gently smiled, and shookher head at him.

  "The best friend a man has," she observed, "is his mother; for amother's love, undervalued often, is tinged with no selfish taint.Child, child," she sighed, placing a fond hand on his broad shoulder,"t
ake warning while there's time. Do not think me blind, or foolishlyimportunate. You love O'Tei, and, for sake of both, had better keepapart. Think what tragedy might follow if your brother had cause forjealousy."

  Love O'Tei! Was it so patent, then?--he the last to know it? TheGeneral in silence walked up and down, while his mother gazed upon himwistfully. There was a deep sadness on his face that pained her.Perhaps in speaking out so plainly, she had been precipitate. Yet no;she had never been one to beat about a bush. Her stern creed admittedno half measures. Presently Sampei spoke.

  "For once, most dear and wise of mothers, you are wrong," he said. "Ilove her; yes, I will not deny it--how much I did not know until tenminutes since. My love is so true and pure, that to save her amomentary grief I would fling myself off yonder rock. Be not afraid;no harm shall come to her through me."

  "Noble and chivalrous in intent, just like my boy," nodded the sapientAbbess. "Maybe you are strong enough to carry out your resolveunflinchingly; but what of her? What if she, less prudent and moreweak, were to bestow her heart on you? It would lead to generalwretchedness, if not to her undoing."

  Sampei had not considered it from that point, and ruefully rubbed hisnose. It would no doubt be very awkward if O'Tei were to becomeenamoured of him. In that case, heroic leaps off rocks would be oflittle service. Then he burst into a loud shout of laughter.

  "How like a mother!" he crowed. "Her own offspring being, of course,perfect--a full-plumaged ph[oe]nix--all must needs fall down andworship. Believe me, she is as pure as the dawn; her affection that ofa sister."

  "Now, perhaps, and I sincerely hope so," replied the Abbess quietly;"but you have no right to place her in temptation. So you deem me asilly old woman, too partial to her featherpated son? Well, then, I amforced to tell you, as a warning, that which I intended to conceal, toshow that you are over-modest. I trow there are maids galore who wearthe willow in secret for the most brilliant soldier in Japan. There isone luckless girl I wot of, who has flung her foolish heart atyou--who weeps and languishes for love of you--swears she will have noother lord. Fie! She is a good and honest girl, who would never havethus bestowed herself without encouragement."

  "Bestowed herself on _me?_" exclaimed Sampei, round-eyed, and feelingguilty.

  "Her name is Mine."

  "Mine!" ejaculated the careless scapegrace. "Tush! I know no Mine."

  "For shame! Oh, light and fickle, it is as I guessed," returned theAbbess, with a head-shake that would have been solemn but for a slyflash of merriment in the usually stern eyes. "I have no excuse forthe maid, since 'tis vastly reprehensible to throw your heart at onewho does not want it; and yet, when her only child is so extremelyfascinating, a mother must be indulgent." Sampei appearing quitemystified, Masago pursued more gravely,--"You used to single the poorthing out, bad boy, she says, at the rustic festivals here five yearsago, and give her fans and hairpins. Unfortunate Mine! You turned herhead, and have forgotten even her name. Do you remember Koshiu, thefarmer?"

  Mine, Koshiu's daughter. Dear me! a pretty little thing, with a temperthat it was such sport to play upon. Of course Sampei remembered now,for indeed the too independent Koshiu, dreading some such misfortuneas had come to pass, had testily turned upon the dallying swain, whichhad mightily offended his lordship.

  And for hopeless love of him this silly soul had been sighing allthese years, with nothing to feed on but a few idle compliments.Sampei felt a twinge of conscience, was angry with himself, forperhaps he had been too ardent. Then he felt annoyed with thetoo-confiding maiden too easily won. A few common-place attentions,that was all, out of mere idleness. A pretty pass if all the youngwomen whom one ogles were to insist on claiming one for life. What apother about nothing. It is extremely immodest and indecent of maidensto give themselves away unasked.

  And then his thoughts reverted to that other lady, sitting yonderbefore the mirror, and a pang of distress swept over his features ashe dreamed again of what might have been; the which perceiving theAbbess whispered,--"Be of good cheer, my son. By divine grace it willbe for the best. My prayers added to hers, the maiden's mind willrecover calm, and through the black passage of this hopeless love beled from earth to heaven. As a daughter of the people who has bestowedherself on you, I will cherish her. Already she has sought refugeunder our roof, and ere long will become one of us for life."

  He then, the light and jovial, was to be responsible for making of thepoor maid a nun.

  Sobered and saddened, and made uncomfortable internally by all he hadseen and heard since his return, Sampei led his mother back towardsthe summer-house, where the young chatelaine was beginning to marvelat the length of their private colloquy. In this retreat, where sheexpected no visitors, O'Tei dispensed with the service of her ladies,for it was a relief to think out her dreary thoughts with none to readthem on her countenance. Now, with a new sprightliness to which shehad been long a stranger, she busied herself with hospitable cares.Placing on the firebox a daintily-wrought kettle of fine bronze, sheproduced from a gold-lacquered cabinet three fairy cups of theeggshell white porcelain of Hirado, placed a pinch of tea in each, andwaiting for the water to boil, made ready to play the hostess.

  It was with a tightening about the heart that Sampei watched her longfingers arranging sweetmeats on a tray, pouring water on the leaves,which straightway expanded, and turned the liquid of a pale strawcolour. Had he not been so diffident and addlepated while there wastime, she would not now have been so thin and wan; those teacups mighthave been his teacups, and--well, well. He was till death her own trueknight, demanding nothing in exchange for his unselfish devotion. Tohis heart he would repeat this o'er and o'er again till it was used toit. What might have been was not to be. There was nothing now to begained by brooding or railing against his own stupidity.

  Over their refection the trio returned to the all-engrossingtopic,--what was to be done for the poor suffering people?--how wasthe despot to be softened, and the imprisoned elders saved? Sampeirelated that the news of his coming must have preceded him, for nosooner had he clattered over the long wooden bridge which gives accessto the main street of Tsu, than two ancient men had stopped him, andcraved an immediate audience. Unlike my lord No-Kami, he had drawnrein at once, and listened; and the ancient men, with profusegrovellings, had implored my lord Sampei to use his personal influencefor the rescue of the incarcerated headmen. It was indeed a heinousdeed of insolence, they admitted with groans, to have sinned to theextent of imploring to be lightened of their burthens, but death ofany kind was preferable to such a life as they endured at present.They reverently allowed that torments were deserved, but humblyimplored mercy and consideration, for the sake of wives and childrenSampei had been much shocked, for, to his generous nature, grovellinghumility was offensive; and did not know what to do. He, as well asO'Tei, was resolved that something must be done for the sake ofhumanity, as well as to rescue from execration the unpopular name ofHojo. Perhaps the Abbess, the wise counsellor, would be good enough tosettle what.

  Now if Masago had a weakness (I am not prepared to say she had not),it was an appreciation of her position as chief adviser to every one.She therefore drank another cup of tea, then clearing her throat,began,--

  "My counsel is this. My lord Hojo No-Kami must be brought to yield.Probably he will not be sorry of an excuse to do so, considering thatafter such an act of clemency as the remitting of torment, the elders,cowed and abashed, will be too frightened to say more about the taxes;whereas, if the men suffer, there will be further outcry, and the taxquestion will come yet more prominently forward, producing lamentableresults. Hence my lord will probably, as I say, be glad of an excuseto send the people back, if they promise to be more amenable infuture. It would be well if he owed his way out of the difficulty tohis wife, for it would soften his animosity against her, and wouldcause the people to venerate her even more than they do already. Myson, Sampei, could not be more popular than he is--praise be to thegods--but it would be pleasing to his mother if he were joined in
thework of mercy. I therefore propose that the Lady O'Tei forthwith doindite upon a roll a personal request to her husband, craving as aboon the lives of the condemned, and tying it in a box oftortoiseshell, do consign it to her brother-in-law, that he may ridewith all speed to Ki[^y]oto, and, delivering the box, do add his ownentreaties to his sister's--so may we be sure to gain our end, andavert a serious danger."

  So succinct an oration, brief, and to the point, and patly delivered,deserved another cup of tea, and while she sipped it leisurely, Masagoimproved the occasion.

  "My dear," she said, "I saw you shudder. This will never do. It is thegreatest of mistakes to let such a man as Mylord No-Kami know that youare afraid of him. I noted in his childhood how he always treated morescurvily the hirelings who cringed."

  "I never cringed!" exclaimed O'Tei proudly.

  "No; but if I mistake not, you have let him perceive fear, under aveil of contempt. Should he realise this, he will follow up theadvantage, and all will indeed be lost. You should have coped with himat first, my lily. It would have been better for both, believe me."

  O'Tei twined her fingers together in distress. Had not the small voicewithin her whispered this long since. She did fear him, and dislikehim, and despise him. Cope with him forsooth! How could she do it now?How could she ever have summoned sufficient moral courage? No; havingretired into her shell of pride, she would stop there to the end, butin this matter of the elders she might bestir herself. Drawing forth aroll of paper, O'Tei and Sampei, with heads closer together thanMasago approved, proceeded to concoct a warily-worded epistle.

  Masago was truly an extremely clever old dame, for with her one stoneshe slew a variety of birds. O'Tei would be the happier in that shehad been induced to intercede. She would gain points in the affectionsof the people, and so would the beloved Sampei. The latter, as bearerof the missive, would be removed forthwith from perilous associationwith his sister-in-law; he would also be removed from the temptationto reconnoitre Mine, who, the Abbess firmly resolved, was to shave herhead immediately. This, being obstinate like her father, she would,doubtless, decline to do if the too warm-blooded warrior were to seeand fancy her afresh.

  The combination was artful from all points of view, and did credit tothe adviser of every one. The elders would return unharmed, and, aftera severe lesson, would be more dutiful. The storm would blow over, andall might repose in peace.

  Alack! Masago knew nothing of the resolve of Koshiu. Had she knownthat he proposed to call, if necessary, for the individualintervention of the sublime Mikado himself, her eyes would havegoggled in her head at his audacity, and her counsel might have beenof a different order.